Analysis Of René Descartes

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In Meditations on First Philosophy: Meditation VI, René Descartes argues for the distinction between mind and body. He asserts: “And accordingly, it is certain that I am really distinct from my body, and can exist without it…” (p. 618) This argument takes place in the last of six meditations, in which Descartes attempts to prove the existence of the physical world and the distinction between mind and body (Descartes’ Dualism). In earlier Meditations, he doubts everything that is not self evidently true, including the material world. He uses doubt as method of discovering simple truths he can build upon. The first truth he establishes is “the cogito” which is Latin for I think, Descartes uses this self-evident truth to argue that the mind is better known than the body, and uses thought as a proof for it’s existence. After he establishes his archimedean point or “the cogito” he starts to build his ontology. However, before he even proves matter exists, Descartes explains the essence of matter. According to Descartes the essence of matter is extension, which he further explains is length, breadth, and depth. Also as implied earlier, the mind exists and it’s sole essence is thought. After considering that the …show more content…

This same line of reasoning is used to describe the body and mind’s essences and necessary properties. A thinking thing can exist with it’s sole essence being thought and other modifications(modes) of thought such as affirming and denying, willing and unwilling. According to Descartes the mind is conscious and non-extended, whereas the body is extended but not conscious. Descartes uses these essences as evidence that the mind and body are two completely different things that essentially have nothing in

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