Maturity In Mark Twain's The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn

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My definition of maturity is when you acquire a better understanding of consequences and the outside world. You grow in knowledge, wisdom, responsibility, and selflessness. It also means to grow both physically and mentally while having the ability to include others. Now does Tom actually mature throughout the whole book or is he still the child that he was once before? Although Tom has shown many immaturities while he was a young boy, there are many ways that he has gained his maturity as he gets older. These facts are portrayed throughout the whole book. As a young boy, Tom is very unaware, and holds only little responsibility. There is also the fact Tom constantly lies to everyone in order to get out of the situation. That is showing no …show more content…

Some people argue over that fact that Tom blackmailed Huck into learning. Weather this is true or not true Tom did it for a good cause. You cannot necessarily say that it is bad to blackmail your friend into getting an education. Although it is not very fair, you are driving them towards the path of success. Tom was looking out for his friend, and making sure his life did not fall apart. If Tom had not been there to help Huck out, he would have a very small chance at being prosperous in life. You have to be very mature in order to make these types of complex decisions. “Oh, Huck, you know I can’t do that. Tain’t fair; and besides, if you try this thing just a while longer you’ll come to like it.” In this small passage, you can clearly see that Tom was not trying to force Huck into sticking to his lessons. Tom also shows much maturity when he says “and besides, if you try this thing a little while longer you’ll come to like it.” You can evidently tell that Tom has come to like everything that he learns. If you are mature, you are able to accept the responsibility that learning has to offer. If you are still immature like Huck, you won’t be able to handle education as well as someone who has finally come to the consensus that it is very

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