Mascot Reflected In Marlene Carvell's Carry On '

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The lyrics from the song, “Carry On” By Fun, can be used to help Evan, from the non-fiction novel, who will tell my brother? by Marlene Carvell deal with the pain in his life. The song lyrics would have helped Evan along his journey of trying to change the mascot and during the saddest parts of his life if Evan had listened to the song.
Evan Hill was a senior in high school whose father was Native American. It was during a pep rally that Evan saw the disrespect and ignorance of the Native American culture, and his heritage, and decided to start a campaign against the mascot. The mascot was offensive to Evan because the mascot was portrayed as a savage and a monster, scalping people with a cardboard hatchet in the crowd. Evan had been offended because the way that the mascot was …show more content…

Why would we want to do that?” (Carvell 32). When Evan had brought up the subject of changing his mascot to the kids on the newspaper publishing team, his friends, he was immediately shot down. They did not understand why after Evan’s brother, Jacob, had tried to change the mascot while he was in school, and had failed, why Evan would want to try again. “Your brother tried and failed, he says, “and though you thing the time is right to change the mascot we’ve had for years, are you prepared for what you know, for what I know, for what everyone here knows will occur?” (Carvell 33). His friends had shot him down and had discouraged him against changing the mascot from an Indian. But as the song “Carry On” by Fun says, “Carry on” (“Carry On” 16). If Evan had heard the song “Carry On” by Fun then the times that he felt and was alone, with nobody at school publicly supporting him, it would have helped Evan work through the hard times and the pain that he felt. The song “Carry On” by Fun would have inspired Evan to keep standing up for what he

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