Marxism Conflict Theory

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“All I know is that I’m not a Marxist,” stated ironically by Karl Marx, a brilliant and enlightened philosopher.2 Marxism is a conflict theory formed by socialist thinkers like Fredrich Engels and Karl Marx. Marxism is the basis for the theory and practice of communism. It has a unique combination of German philosophy, British political economy, and French socialism. Marx’s theory of justice is linked with the concept of self-emancipating society from the “exploiting class.” Marxists believe that the ruling classes control the workers. This theory targets the unequal conflict and creates a barrier between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. It is a belief in which capitalism is the reason for this barrier, and in this case, caused violation …show more content…

His book, The New Class was published in 1957 and is also known as the book “that will rock Marxism”. Djilas was an outcome of the communist world and used Marx’s theory to clear an essential conflict. He says, “ Most or all of the societies that underwent leftist revolutions were not fully capitalist and even to a great extent feudalistic like Russia.” He believes that Karl Marx goes wrong when he initiates or introduces his ideas to North America and Europe. Djilas stresses that such devotion is needed in new communist countries where leaders recognize how indigent their society is for Marxism. He also claims that Marx’s ideas would have been disregarded, if the working class in Europe had not formed a new …show more content…

Thereby “the West” itself has put the seal of bankruptcy on its own thought.” (Djilas, 1957) According to Djilas in The New Class, he is trying to pass off the “immutable law”. This means that individuals participate in human society in order to prefect and expand production. And in order to strive in society, it has all individuals sacrificing for a cause, whether they were the working class or upper class. Marx would argue with this by saying that the “production for production’s sake” is only for the “capitals sake”. This state-capitalist form is the ultimate form that is being called Communist exists in Russia and Yugoslavia. He wrote conversations with Joseph Stalin and a Russian friend, explaining how much he “hated” Marxism for his theory. Because of his decision to expand his philosophy, he was put in jail. Yet, he led his country to form a state capitalism and despite all of Marx’s enlightened ideologies, the whole private capitalist world is

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