Market analysis and Development of Siddhartha Copy Udhyog in Nepal

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Paper is now a days very important to everyone. It is used in various forms like copies, notebooks, books, paper files, logbooks, tissue papers, newspapers, etc. Since the population is increasing and society is getting educated the need of paper is increasing so this business is fostering day by day and is slowly becoming one major industrial and financial sector in the economy.

The project titled, “Market analysis and Development” of Siddhartha Copy Udhyog was done to become familiar with management and market activities of paper product industry and to help them in developing their market. Copy Udhyogs are those which use readily available paper as raw material to form various products like Notebooks, Books, Registers, logbooks, envelopes, Paper files, etc.

Earlier, in Nepal, hand made paper was used. Nepal’s first Machine made paper was manufactured in 1942. In 1942, for the first time two paper mills emerged as joint ventures of Nepali and Indian entrepreneurs. As the company act 1936 did not have any provision for private limited companies, government formulated a new act in 1951 to solve this problem. Soft wood is the prime raw material for a paper industry but due to increasing demand for paper as a result of increase in population and society being getting more and more educated, there has been the shortage of such soft wood so as the alternative raw material, the bamboo got the attention of people and these days it is being used as a major raw material for the manufacture of paper in Nepal. It is chosen as prime raw material in this industry now a days because of two reasons and they are; firstly it is found abundantly in Nepal in every region and secondly, it regenerates/regrows very quick even after cutting it repea...

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...try is a booming industry and it is expected to grow more in comming years. The industry is bound to bring about changes for the better as the usage of paper cannot be ignored. The eco friendly concept has been introduced which object the use of plastics because some plastics do not possess the property of being degradable so the use of plastic has been discouraged. The excessive use of non degradable plastics upsets the ecological equilibrium so it should be discouraged but Nepalese government has not made any strict legal obligations though some rules regarding the use of plastics in the industry has been introduced recently.

Nepalese paper/paper product industry has a huge potentials in coming future. In Nepal, demand for paper products and newspaper is rapidly increasing. There is vast demand in the area of tea bags, tissue paper, handmade paper, lightweight

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