Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis

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Persepolis is a memoir of Marjane Satrapi’s life growing up during the revolution and the Iran-Iraq war and her move to Europe. I’ve never read a novel that uses comic-like pictures to tell a story, but I liked the idea a lot. I was able to see what the characters and scenes looked like so I didn’t have to try and picture them in my head versus only reading words in most novels and having to guess what the characters and scenes look like. The only thing I found a little difficult was keeping all the dialogue straight. I had to reread several scenes to make sure I understood what point the character was trying to get across and to make sure I didn’t miss anything. Marjane starts out the novel talking about how at the age of ten years old she …show more content…

She wants to attend, but her parents won’t let her because she’s too young. Instead, her father explains to her all about the history of the Revolution. Shah had been a foot soldier during a time when Western democratic ideas were being implemented in other countries all around the world and he was fighting against the King of Persia in hopes of building a republic. However, the British had heard about Shah's desire to overthrow the king and they supported him because they saw the opportunity to profit from the country’s oil fields. So, the British made sure he became an Emperor. During his time, the support for western ways of life matured during the time of the Shah. However, the capitalistic lifestyle was seen as profane in the name of Islam and needed to be deposed of. The people wanted a government that would reinforce the word and doctrine of Allah. The majority of the people in the country supported this type of government, so once it was overthrown; Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was removed from his monarchial power. He joined an Islamic regime that still exists

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