Margot Jealousy Quotes

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In this novel, the theme is jealousy comes easily. During the story the main character Margot is reading a poem she made about the sun. She is the only one of the students who remembers what it is like to be in the sun. "Aw, you didn't write that!" protested one of the boys. "I did," said Margot, "I did." "William!" said the teacher. The theme is jealousy because, William seems jealous that Margot had written the poem about the sun better than he can science he doesn't remember what the sun is like and Margot does. At one point in the story Margot is explaining what the sun was like. "It's like a penny," she said once, eyes closed. "No it's not!" the children cried. "It's like a fire," she said, "in the stove." "You're lying, you don't remember!" cried the children. This passage also shows jealousy. This shows jealousy because the kids don't think that is is possible that Margot remembered what the sun was like. The kids want to remember to. They are jealous that Marot remembers what the sun is like instead of them. In this part of the text Margot is again talking about the sun. This time the students can't take it. "Well, don't wait around here!" …show more content…

There is jealousy in this image because one fish had a nice and big tank, and the other fish had a cramped small tank. The fish in the little tank was jealous of the other tank and wished he had it. This situation is like in the story how all of the kids are jealous of Margot's amazing memory of the sun. The fish in the small tank might also be jealous that the other fish gets a nicer tank. In the story, the students wish that they could have Margot's memories and have nicer memories of the sun like Margot does instead of memories of darkness and rain. The fish in the smaller tank and the students are both jealous of someone. The students are jealous of Margot's great memories of the sun. The fish in the small tank is jealous of the other fishes

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