Mantis Shrimp Essay

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Australia, the continent most equivalent with hell. Just as usual, Australia, turns every animal near it completely evil, the list mainly contains: spiders, snakes, scorpions, and kangaroos, especially the Kangaroos. A prime example of this phenomenon is the Mantis Shrimp. The Mantis Shrimp holds the ability to either punch, stab, or slash with the speed of a .22 caliber bullet. The mantis shrimp is a pure killing machine.
The Mantis Shrimp has plagued many a fish owner. Many people accidently bring them into their aquariums by placing rock features they have found in the ocean, the shrimp burrow into these rocks and live there. When the shrimp find themselves in this new environment, they do exactly what they had already been doing, slaughter …show more content…

Its eyes are renowned as the best eyes in the animal kingdom, as they are able to see ten times as many colors than humans and is able to see ultraviolet light. The claws move and blazing speeds, boiling the water around them as they move and creating light as they travel at the speed of a twenty-two caliber bullet. The claws come in two forms, clubs and spears. The clubs are designed to break and dismember shells of crabs or clams. The spears are self explanatory, they are used to stab at any fish within their range. There is one more hidden tool of its arsenal; there are serrated spikes hidden in the tail of the Mantis Shrimp, ready to slice open the flesh of anything trying to creep up on …show more content…

Many of them regret it in the end. The mantis shrimp has been known to break the glass of its enclosure flooding the area around the tank and killing anything that dwells there. The shrimp is also known to attack anyone that attempts to touch it, this can result in terrible bruising or requiring stitches. Another way people regret having the Mantis shrimp is when they try to grab it from behind like a crab, only to have their hand butchered by the serrated blades in the tail. The owners can also be hunted by the beast; if someone sticks their hand in the enclosure the shrimp can mistake it for a meal, slashing and stabbing before the victim even realizes what happened.
Australia’s phenomenon of creating monstrosities has struck again. The mantis shrimp has all the necessary tools to kill everything in its path. It is brought into people’s aquariums and devours every living thing in sight. Owners regret having this beast, some the hard way, some even harder. The mantis shrimp has proved its ability to be the deadliest dang crustacean on the Earth. There is only one way to correct these

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