Maggie A Girl On The Street Hypocrisy Essay

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During the 19th centaury we can observe a shift from romanticism to a more realistic point of view. In this semester we have explore a lot of literature work that represents the theme of hypocrisy. According to the Merrianwebster dictionary Hypocrisy means “the behavior of people who do things that they tell other people not to do: behavior that does not agree with what someone claims to believe or feel” The theme of Hypocrisy have been introduce in this semester by a novel name Maggie: a girl on the street by Stephen Crane. Hypocrisy was and it’s still in today society one the most frequent trait in individuals. Many of the main characters in this book show the characteristic of hypocrisy by trying to implement the not use of a behavior by using the same behavior that is not desirable. The other example of hypocrisy is how the characters criticizes the decision taken by the Maggie the main character, which they themselves are …show more content…

This happens a lot in this book. Many of the Characters act hypocritical and they are not aware of such thing. Either because they are too into themselves to pay attention to it or because it’s something they were taught by society and their surroundings. Maggie the main character is the main target that hypocrisy is direct towards Like mention before hypocrisy is a major theme in this novel. In Maggie: A Girl on the streets many of the characters display this trait. The first character to show this is Jimmie. In the first scenes of the novel Jimmie gets in trouble for fighting with another kid on the street. The response given by his father was that we will be beating him up because he has fighting with another kid. This demonstrates how people try to make others act “correctly” but they themselves can’t seem to follow what they preach. By Jimmie’s father offering to beat him up because he’s beating up another

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