Mae's Identity In Dave Eggers The Circle

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I’ve never thought a fictional character could change so dramatically throughout a book, but Dave Eggers’ The Circle proved me wrong. I never imagined the thrill and suspense I would feel when I read his book. In the beginning of The Circle, Eggers introduces the main character, Mae Holland. Mae is a woman in her late twenties, just recently hired at her new job at the internet company, The Circle. Not so far into the book, Mae starts changing herself in order in a way to please all her bosses and colleagues. As I read further into the book, I could tell Mae was not happy the way she was acting, but she wanted to please everyone due to the fact that she wanted everyone to like her, she became a totally different being. Beginning of the book …show more content…

The very first time Mae walks into The Circle, she is completely and utterly mesmerized by the buildings and the people walking around, doing their jobs. She can’t help but notice the transparency and color in the whole company. Mae was so proud of herself because she would have her own office, and be a new person, she would no longer be the only smart one in the room. Mae was raised outside of a little town of Fresno, she was the only in her town to go to college. When Mae was given her ‘new’ office, she saw her worst nightmare; “Fucking burlap” she mumbled (pg. 12). Annie, her best friend from college, knew she hated the cubicle she used to work at, so she found the perfect opportunity to prank her best friend. While Mae absolutely hated the prank, she was very glad that it was only a joke. As her day moved on, she was taken to a party at the Circle, she was completely happy and felt welcomed. Mae new she would love working there, she wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. Mae thought, “Outside the walls of the Circle, all was noise and struggle, failure and filth. But here, all had been perfected.” (pg.

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