Madness And Insanity In The Black Cat By Edgar Allan Poe

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Have you ever red a scary story that made you shiver down your spine, well this man wrote them all the time, Edgar Allan Poe. Poe was born on January 19, 1809 he died on October 7 1849. His life influenced his writing in ways like his addictions,Loved ones dying because of tuberculosis, finally His madness/ insanity. Edgar Allan Poe had problems just like everyone else. At one point in his life he was addicted to gambling which brought him into massive debt forcing him to leave The University of Virginia. Poe joined the army under a false name to get away. He wrote about being addicted to alcohol in his story “The Black Cat” when the narrator would come home drunk and beat his animals and wife. Poe’s brother henry and father were both hardcore

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