Macbeth's Change from Hero to Tyrant Throughout William Shakespeare's Play Macbeth

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Macbeth's Change from Hero to Tyrant Throughout William Shakespeare's Play Macbeth

Macbeth at the beginning of the play seams to start off as the hero of

the play how he has helped win the battle against the rebels. He is

regarded by a wounded captain from the battle that himself and banquo

have helped significantly. Macbeth caught the traitor, the thane of

cawdor. And he was rewarded. The title of thane of cawdor was

transferred to Macbeth and the old thane was executed.

In act 1 scene 3 Macbeth and banquo appear at the witches' heath. The

witches predict part of Macbeth's future. As soon as they tell him

that he will be thane of cawdor. His impressions of the witches start

to change, he cannot understand how the have so quickly found out

about him becoming the new thane of cawdor. They then tell him that he

will become the new king of Scotland. His immediate thoughts of the

witches have now changed and he is starting to realise how much power

he could actually have. Having realised how much power he could have

he pleads for more. But they will not tell him. As early in the play

Macbeth is having mixed emotions.

Duncan the king of Scotlandannounces that he will be visiting the

castleof Macbeth. He then names his oldest son Malcolm the successor

to the throne. Macbeth writes a letter to his mistress lady Macbeth,

he tells her the good news of how he has become the new thane of

cawdor and the predictions that he received from the 3 witches.

Lady Macbeth looks up on this opportunity and rejoices that this could

present the chance of the murder of Duncan. These thoughts are evil

and suspicions are asking weather she is a 4th witc...

... middle of paper ... the end he died evil. Looking back at the

scenes of which he has done bad in they all seam to be linked in with

his wife lady macbeth. Doesn't this give the distinct impression that

throughout the play she was a 3rd which and that she was playing wife

Macbeths mind.

Throughout the play macbeth was giving away evidence that he was

turning evil and that the evil did back fire with some trwumatic

appearances of ghosts and hallucinations of the dagger. He in his mind

tried to persuade and convince himself that he was doing right looking

at what he may face and what would happen to him if he did not commit

these terrible stunts. In the end macbeth dies with his full armour on

saying "before my body I throw my warlike shield " this is showing

that his guilt has resigned and he no longer has any fears he is


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