Macbeth Diary Entry From The Crucible

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Year 1040, Court of Edward, England. When I saw my noble kinsmen in England, I had hoped for positive news since my departure. However, what Ross informed me was even worse than what I could have anticipated. Macbeth assaulted my fortress in Fife, brutally slaughtering my wife, my children, as well as all the servants in the castle. I am responsible for the. They were brutalized due to my sinfulness, and not as the result of any wrongdoing on their part. So why must this senseless suffering befall them? Why gracious God did you not provide assistance when their lives were unceremoniously taken? My family was slaughtered for no fault of their own, I bear the blame for this travesty. Therefore, I will avenge them, even if it were to be my last act. …show more content…

I shall repay him with interest the harm he has unleashed onto my family, so much so that he will regret for the rest of his numbered days the heinous deeds he has committed. Nevertheless, I told myself that I would transform my grief and sorrow into anger and let it hone my sword of vengeance. However, as the grief consumes me, even such feats seem insurmountable. As the haunting thoughts of what could have been if I was present pranced around inside my head like a tornado destroying everything upon contact, I could not help but crumble under the weight of knowing that my absence was the cause of their tragedy. Had I not left, the lives of my dear spouse and children would have been preserved. Even so, the heartache I feel clouds my thoughts, as I could not find the fortitude to withstand such anguish, and let myself get swept away by an unprecedented array of remorse. The despair enveloped me like a blanket soaked with tears, its heaviness felt like mountains marching on my back. The anguish consumed me like a fire, scorching my skin yet leaving my heart cold and barren from the void created from their absence. The endless torment of guilt was like an uncontrollable wave

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