Luis Garavito Murder

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A man born January 25, 1997 in Genova, Quindio, Colombia. Who has nickname as Tribilin, El Cura, and Bonifacio Morera Lizcano also la Bestia. He was the oldest of seven brothers. The household was very violence. Beaten by his father Manuel Garavito and raped over and over by his male neighbors. He had a couple years of school left but he end up running away when he was sixteen. His jobs was a store clerk and a street vendor who sold icons and cards. When he got older he drunk a lot and be have as his father did. Kept moving and almost tried to kill himself. End up in the crazy place for a couple of years. His name is Luis Garavito.
Luis is a Colombia and Ecuador rapist. He killed about 138 to 192 boys. His victims are boy six to sixteen years old. He has rape, torture and mutilation the kids. Killed them by stabbing them with knife and screwdriver. His victims was poor, peasant, street children. Luis would come up to the kids and offer them gifts and snacks. He started talking to them until he got tired and take advantage of them. After, that he raped, slice their throats, and take apart of their bones which sometimes had signs of torture.
The police and other say that Luis confessed of killing at least 140 boys. It took an average of five years to to rape them. End up going to jail on April 22, 1999 because of a rape charge that had nothing to do with the killing. A lot of colombians was fed up with Luis because he didn't get the death penalty because Columbian didn't believe in it. He is the one with the most victims. He had the kids tied up and torture and raped them. While he was doing that he was drunk.
When Luis was arrested they thought they had the wrong person because Luis kept moving and switching jobs. The investiga...

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...aravito has amited and killed more than 200 boys then. Now count 300 with acts of sexual against all of them. Since he help them find the victims his sentence was decreased by 22 years.
All agencies around the world have apologized for his crime and well being. The crimes was solved by the police going around and searching through Luis house and his background. The crime was solved because Luis end up confessing everything and so he dont stay in jail long. To stop cases from happening they made prison time more longer because it used to be you can stay in prison for more than 30 years no matter what you do now they only moved it to 60 years but his case cannot be extended. They end up dating their technology so more people won’t come a victim to or cause more trouble. He will probably get out for good behavior. To this day Luis Garavito is still alive and breathing.

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