Lou Ann Taylor Relationship Analysis

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The relationship between Lou Ann and Taylor is a sisterly and assisting relationship. They are both independent women who strive to hold up their individual lives, but they do so, by sharing the burden with each other and making progress step by step. The familiarity and homeliness that they are able to find in each other brings the other one comfort and I can relate to that with my friend Sunessa, She was my very first “best friend” whom I still remember I would go when I needed comfort and vice versa. Lou Ann and Taylor both serve as role models for each other. To Lou Ann, Taylor is the embodiment of strong and independent womanhood, whereas to Taylor, Lou Ann displays what it means to make personal decisions for herself. Taylor notices …show more content…

They “ had already established that [their] hometowns in Kentucky were separated by only two counties, and that [they] had both been to the exact same Bob Seger concert at the Kentucky State Fair [Taylor’s] senior year.” (75) This sense of connection early on in their relationship allowed for them to feel more comfortable and familiar with each other. When Lou Ann realized the extent of this connection between her and Taylor, she “hid her mouth with her hand. “What?” I (Taylor) said. “Nothing.” I could see perfectly well that she was smiling. “Come on, what is it?” “It’s been so long,” she (Lou Ann) said. “You talk just like me.” (79), this revelation that opened up the door to all that the two shared even though just meeting made their relationship grow at a faster and more rapid pace. They were able to get much closer together in the time they spent together because of these similarities. When Sunessa and I used to go to the same school, we always found ourselves playing and spending time together because it was the easiest thing to do. We always felt more comfortable around each other because our parents were already good friends, and we could both relate to the fact that we were Indian. Taylor and Lou Ann hold a similar friendship. Taylor and Lou Ann are both in the same predicament. They are both single women living together with a

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