Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin In The Sun

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Lorraine Hansberry is a famous African American playwright. She was inspired by Langston Hughes’s poem “dream deferred “, she wrote an entire play based off of his poem. Her play is called Raisin in the sun. This play is about the younger family, a black family inhabiting on the southside of the Chicago. The whole family strives to make their dream come true. During her play Raisin in the sun, Hansberry uses Mama, Beneatha and Walter to show the negative consequences that occur when you defer your dream. First, Hansberry uses Mama to identify the negative consequences that occur when you defer your dream. Mama is extremely religious and she is a brave woman full of dreams. Mama’s dream is to have a big house and tend a garden. However, Mama’s …show more content…

Walter is a drunk man,diligent consider to time period and ambitious. Walter’s dream was to own a liquor store, that he thinks can resolve his problem economically and socially. As the plot thickens, Walter’s dream deferred when he gave his best friend Willie the money that Mama gave him to put in the bank and the other that they told him to give Beneatha for college, where Willie did not do as planned (he stole the money). As Walter says “ you aint looked it and you aim to have to speak on that again? You ain't even looked it and you have decided well, you tell that to my boy tonight when you put him to sleep on the living room couch yeah and tell it to my wife Mama tomorrow when she has to go out of here to look after somebody else’s kids and tell it to me Mama, every time we need a new pair of curtains and I have to watch you go out and work in somebody’s kitchen yeah you tell me then” Hansberry (71). In which proves that Mama did not gave Walter the money to invest on is liquor store. It also proves that Walter is very ambitious, Hansberry uses him to show the negative consequences that occur when his dream got deferred which was being depressed and drinking a

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