Lorenzo's Oil Essay

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The movie Lorenzo’s Oil is based on a true story. Lorenzo was a happy, bright and active young boy living in East Africa as his father was stationed there to work. When his parents, Augusto and Michaela Odone, were relocated back to the United States Lorenzo began to show unusual signs of disruptive behavior and balance issues. After medical exams the boy was diagnosed at the age of 5 with having adrenoleukodystrophy also know as ALD. A rare disease with no known treatment or cure with a life expectancy of becoming fatal with in 2 years. His parents refused to accept his condition and with grave determination set out to find treatment to save their child. After numerous failures with doctors and organizations and the declining health of Lorenzo they set out on their own to begin numerous hours of research. Less than a year of research they discovered what is now known as “Lorenzo’s Oil” a combination of oils isolated from rapeseed oil and olive oil which reduce the long chain of fatty acids in the blood. Despite the complications or reactions this oil may have on his body they chose to make it a part of his daily diet with his blood levels returning back to normal. Lorenzo’s symptoms began to improve and the conclusion states he is able to communicate by computer and modified sign language at the age of 14. …show more content…

The most affected tissues are the myelin located in the central nervous system. It is carried by the mother linked to the X chromosome with a mutation in the ABCD1 gene. Mostly shown as a heterogeneous disorder. Symptoms appear between the age of 4 to 8, which cause adrenal insufficiency, difficulty walking, speech and vison problems, emotional instability, hyperactivity, and disruptive behavior. Untreated it progresses to demyelination which leads to vegetable state and

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