Lord Of The Flies Quote Analysis

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Lord of the Flies is a novel written by Nobel Prize winning William Golding in 1954. Main Situation of the novel is a group of boys that are stranded on a uninhabited island where they learn to live on their of and like one another. Lord of the Flies takes place in the middle of a war evacuation when a airplane crashes near the deserted island leaving the boys as the only survivors. Throughout the book the boys learn how to find food, create a shelter, build a fire, and other ways of living without the help of parents or older relatives. "Where's the man with the megaphone?" The fair boy shook his head. "This is an island. At least I think it's an island. That's a reef out in the sea. Perhaps there aren't any grownups anywhere (Chapter 1)." When first reading this I immediately thought of all the times I had the house to myself or when in school and what the students do during class while the teacher is gone. In fact, this actually is an excellent quote because it indeed can remind people of different memories as we all see the quotes in different ways. …show more content…

This bring back many memories for me such as wanting a horse but all the dreams I use to have as a little girl. The dream that sticks out the most is when my parents actually bought me a horse, but when I woke up I realized that it was just a dream. Also this quote brings back some of the nightmares I use to have as a little kid that sometimes scared me but the night after I would always have a better dream that made me forget about the nightmare. Dreams help everyone in many way, for example, the dream could turn their worst day into their best day or they might find something they have been searching

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