Lord Of The Flies Hope And Savagery Essay

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The Fire That Saved the Boys A fire lights the way to hope, but unlike these boys the fire lights the way to savagery. A couple of English boys get stranded on an island after a plane crash and only a couple of them survive. With no adults in sight to give them rules to follow, the boys start to lose hope and savagery starts to take over. In the novel “Lord of the Flies” author William Golding uses the symbol fire to show that once hope is gone savagery takes over. After the plane had crashed, the boys try to comprehend on what just happened. “When we was coming down I looked through one of them windows. I saw the other part of the plane. There were flames coming out of it”(Golding 8). They had soon realized that they were stranded on an island and no one else had survived but them. One of the boys named Ralph was so sure that they were going to get off the island. “I could swim when I was five. Daddy taught me. He’s a commander in the Navy. When he gets leave he’ll come and rescue us. What’s your father?” (Golding 13). Ralph soon realizes that they might stay there till they die. Soon after, the boys start to settle in on the island and everyone is assigned a job/task. One …show more content…

“Now the fire was nearer; those volleying shots were great limbs, trunks even, bursting” (Golding 198). Ralph was running through a massive cloud of smoke and questioning every little thing that he saw as he was running. After the hunt for Ralph, Ralph had barely made it out of the forest on the island but once he did he had laid exhausted on the beach. Ralph had looked all around on the beach and had noticed someone standing on the sand before him. “A naval officer stood on the sand, looking down at Ralph in a wary astonishment. On a beach behind him was a cutter, her bows hauled up and held by two ratings” (Golding 200). Out of all the boys, one survived and was finally rescued. Thanks to hope, Ralph was

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