Looking For Alibrandi Changing Perspective Analysis

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Change of Perspectives
Melina Marchetta, the author of the novel ‘Looking for Alibrandi’ signifies the idea that the way people create meaning influences their perspectives and the perspective of others. The novel has an in depth look at the issues and the problems faced by the teenagers today which the main purpose is to increase the knowledge on “changing perspective”. Marchetta uses various narrative techniques such as dialogue, tone, and first person narrative to verify the deep understanding on how and why perspective changes over time.
Through the protagonist, Josie the audiences learn that being an illegitimate and meeting one’s parent is hard to tackle but that feeling will eventually change once the individual has known their parent. “How dare you think that I want to be in your life! I don’t want you anywhere near us, especially my mother.” is the dialogue that Josie has told Michael when they had their first conversation. …show more content…

As this has been stated, Josie in the novel, ‘Looking for Alibrandi’ changed her perspective on her school captain Poison Ivy. She hated her but that hateness completely dissappered after John Barton’s death. At the beginning, Josie’s perspective on Poison Ivy was ‘… the problem lies between myself and our school captain, Ivy Lloyd, who we call Poison Ivy. I was awarded the insulting task of being her deputy. We hate each other’s guts...’. This is a first person narrative in chapter 2 which exhibits the reader that the relationship between Poison Ivy and Josie was hateness and how they dislike each other. “I realised that she wasn’t Poison Ivy any more. She was just Ivy.” is another first person narrative about the school captain through Josie’s perspective at the end of the novel. Due to the death of John Barton, Josie open her mind to change her perspective on Ivy about who she really is and how she

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