Nagel Mind Body Problem

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Have you ever been eating something and thinking at the same time that it tastes like heaven. This essay is about a problem that has been around for a lot of years, and although it is not base in taste in general, it is base in the example of what chocolate tastes like extracting from (Nagel, 1987). The problem is the Mind- Body problem. This essay is going to explain the three points of view in Nagel argument: dualism, physicalism or materialism, and dual aspect theory. Before we get to the three main points of view of different people around the world, let first explain what the example in the book is, and how it is relate to the Mind-Body problem. Nagel explains that for a fact we know that the brain and the body are connected by …show more content…

Dualism believes that there is more in us than just physical matters. They believe that there is a body where all the physical components are and in addition there is a mind where all our mental states happen. They explain that if a crazy scientific will open our head to look while we are eating a chocolate bar, he will never get the results of what chocolate tastes like. The reason that they gave us is that inside everyone’s’ brain there is a mind and that experienced are locked inside that mind. So while the crazy scientific is looking inside our head, he will see the brain activity, but he will never have access in our mind that is where our mental experience are. On the other hand, physicalism thinks that human are the results of physical matters, and our next paragraph will be about …show more content…

These people believe that the body is a physical matter. However the brain for them is composing of two different things: the physical matter where all the chemical reactions occurs and at the same time a mental process where all the mental states occur. Let take a closer look to this point of view. In my opinion,they are combining both of two other points of view into one. They are accepting the physical matter of the brain with their chemical reactions to food, pain, and love. Simultaneously, they are letting space for a mental process where all these reactions are process and felt. Those are the three points of view in what the Body-Mind problem is divided. Although, we only focus in the example of eating a chocolate bar, giving in Nagel’s book, it can be apply to all the feelings. One example can be the feelings of anxiety that I am feeling right now because I want to finish this essay and get a good grade or the feeling of love that people feel when seeing or kissing the person that they

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