Little Bear Piped By Goldilocks

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Little Bear piped, “Somebody has tasted my porridge and eaten it all up!” Goldilocks is a little girl who goes into the three little bears house without permission. Opening with, the character Goldilocks actions to be viewed to the readers as selfish and rude, Goldilocks tastes mama and papa bear's porridge, but she eats all of baby bears porridge. She also crushed his chair and is caught sleeping in his bed, the author of this story made Goldilocks a self- centered character. When the classic fairytale, Goldilocks and the three bears is analyzed from the critical viewpoint of feminism, readers may discover some very interesting and remarkable surprises. Meanwhile, analyzing this fairy tale from the feminist viewpoint, they used a female and she did many inconsiderate things instead of using a male, the author also made sure not to make Goldilocks a positive or honorable female character. …show more content…

In the beginning of the story Goldilocks goes to the Bears house and knocks, but no one answers the door so she takes it upon herself to just walk into their house without permission. Goldilocks began touching things that did not belong to her and she did not care that she was touching someone else's things. She tasted everyone's soup, but she devoured little bear’s soup leaving him with no soup at all. She is guilty of doing many bad things, and although, she is found guilty of ruining everything in the three little bears house she still was able to escape their house safely. A single women like Goldilocks, is a threat to the normal family represented by the three little

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