Literary Devices Used In Dante's Inferno

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In Canto XVI of the Inferno, Dante and Virgil discover the third ring in the seventh circle, which is the sin of the lion, where the souls that were violent against god, nature and art are held. The sinners in the third ring walk on burning sand, which scalds their feet. Minotaurs, born by union of the Moon Goddess and one of Poseidon’s beasts, guard the circle of the violent. Dante and Virgil walk along the banks of the Phlegethon River and end up at a waterfall. Along the way to the waterfall, Dante and Virgil speak to three Florentine souls: Guido Guerra, the leader of the Guelfs (a faction that supported the Pope and the Holy Roman Emperor), Tegghiaio Aldobrandi, a Guelf noble and knight, and Jacopo Rusticucci, a Florentine knight. Dante speaks to the souls about current Florence and the souls encourage him to make him and his works of poetry and writing “immortal”, so he can be forever remembered in history. In the seventh circle of Hell, Dante uses multiple vivid literary devices to describe the Inferno and to paint a picture for the reader. He constantly employs literary devices and imagery to describe his idea of Hell. Multiple times, Dante uses dramatic literary devices to aid the readers of the Inferno and to make people believe that his story could actually be evident. Starting off in Canto XVI, Dante uses multiple literary device …show more content…

The writer constantly uses rhetoric devices and metaphoric examples to suggest the meaning of Canto XVI. For example, Dante uses allegory to show the symbolism of the cord from his Florentine robe to invigorate the imagination and to add mystery to his poem. He not only stated in the book about using the belt to capture the Leopard in the Dark Woods, but it was also used to revive a strange spirit from the Phlegethon River waterfall, which leads into the eighth circle of

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