Literacy And Writing: What I Learned

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If you were to ask me what literacy meant to me when I was younger I would tell you, that it represented reading a book, and simply writing. The first thing that would come to my mind is English, reading and writing is what I do when it comes to that subject. Being young, I was never taught the true meaning of literacy, and if you are anything like me, you would eventually have to just learn on your own. Growing up I rarely thought what literacy truly meant, but I can say that it was a question I was always curious about. As I matured as a student in the World of English, my knowledge on literacy and writing became more serious. The more I began to write essays, the more it seemed to take a toll on me to learn more on proper writing techniques. …show more content…

My consistency of reading helped me write so fluently, it seemed as if I had no struggle at all with any of the writing assignments given from the teacher. I figured that maybe because I enjoyed this type of writing material, then I would join the University Interscholastic League and compete in the Ready Writing event. For the first meet I went to, I was given a prompt, although I don’t remember what it was about, the one thing I do remember that day was writing the complete opposite of whatever they asked to write about. I was never critiqued, in order to get better, so when the results came back and I was given a place close to last, I was in shock. The style of writing I had back then was to make my essay really long, because I thought the lengthier of an essay I have, the better it’ll be. Yet, in reality I would just go on, and on, and never seemed to end. I was careless when it came to my grammar, and ignored all rules of English. Thinking back on it now I realize that I was an amateur writer, and none of my English teachers ever told me.
Going into high school, I didn’t have much experience still with my writing, and this is where I noticed that the only reason I was so exceptional at reading and writing in Junior High School, was only because it was at a lower level. Once I started attending high school I understood that it was a different ball game, and it showed. They expected …show more content…

My junior year our teacher decided to give us the novel The Great Gatsby. After every chapter we would discuss what we thought about it, and go over any detail we missed. We would each also have to individually say how we conveyed the message. What I began to notice is each of my classmates got a different understand on certain parts. At first I found it difficult to say my thoughts on the novel then I started realizing there’s no wrong or right answer, it’s the way you interpreted it. None were correct or incorrect because it was how we thought F. Scoot Fitzgerald was trying to convey it to us. This is when I came to realize that I’ll never have the full concept because the meaning always changes.
We take for granted of the definition of literacy, the basis around everything that we do is. I use to think it was only just in my school work, for example, my English class. I always thought literacy had to deal with the subject English, nothing else. Everything we do, we’re coming into contact with literacy, something as simple as reading a prescription, or looking over a newspaper, are just a few examples. Literacy plays a big role in our life, and majority of the time we don’t realize. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

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