Lincoln's Memorial

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The great achievements of life get honored, others sacrifice everything to be free and get honored. We have great people that we praise and give honors too, but once they pass away we give them an everlasting memorial. A monument is created for those who have perished. There is a problem though, which is what we should consider before creating a monument memorializing an event or a person. When creating theses monuments certain problems arise when planning and justifying the need for a monument. The monument also comes under scrutiny if it has a lot of people are against the building of it due to controversial ideas the monument might display.

An issue that arises is why to create a memorial here even though it has no relation to the event or people being memorialized. Kirk Savage’s book “Monument Wars: Washington D.C.” references that “Lincoln’s Memorial itself contains no actual relic of Lincoln”. A counter to this could be that Lincoln was the president of the U.S. and lived in D.C. It goes on to say “ why make a pilgrimage to a site with no historical significance to read a text that is …show more content…

If public opinion changes cities or private groups have to remove them. This is what happened in the south over the 2016-2017 period and calls for more removals of Confederate statues to be removed continues today. To many African Americans, these memorials are here to remind them of the past when white people, who only had the power would threaten African Americans. Many people argue if this is a remembrance of fallen Confederate soldiers and generals or a racially motivated statement. More reasons people want to get rid of them is cultural values like good and bad luck associated with memorials. The article that talked about the removal of an older cemetery because the Asian business owners near the cemetery believed that a place near a bunch of dead people causes bad luck and will cause negativity on the

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