Lincoln Movie Analysis

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hard on her to lose another son after the death of Willie (another son of hers). This is where she utters a memorable line “All everyone will remember of me was that I was crazy and that I ruined your happiness.” She also tells Lincoln that he should institutionalize her again if he can’t stand the grief. This is what struck me the most about Mrs. Lincoln, was she really out into an insane asylum. “In 1875, more than a decade after her husband was assassinated, Mary Todd Lincoln found two men outside her room in Chicago. They had papers ordering her arrest. Taken immediately to a local courthouse, Lincoln found an all-male jury already waiting for her, set to determine if she should be institutionalized for insanity. ” The marriage between …show more content…

A trivial question I had was that of Lincoln’s voice. After thinking about my question for a second, I realized that there is no exact way to determine Lincoln’s voice, as there are no such recordings of him speaking. In Lincoln, Daniel Day-Lewis speaks as President Lincoln with a high tenor voice. While digging for records of his voice I found most people agree on Lincoln’s calming voice “…but his voice calm and clear, his bearing frank and sure. ” Another quality of Lincoln displayed in the movie that had me wondering, was Lincoln storytelling and humor. Among the humorous anecdotes Lincoln tells his staff during the film, include the Ethan Allen story, and the story of a 70-year-old woman whom he aided to escape from law. According to Team of Rivals, both of these anecdotes were among Lincoln’s favorite stories and the content of the story is almost verbatim to historical accounts of these stories . Lincoln was noted to tell stories and humorous anecdotes to prove a point obliquely or to ease tensions during a difficult situation just as the way Lincoln uses his storytelling skill during the film . Again, the movie is incredibly accurate on one of Lincoln’s most unique attributes that helped shape him to be one of our most memorable …show more content…

After the Amendment to abolish slavery passes, Stevens asked the Speaker of the House if he can borrow the Bill and return it tomorrow. Stevens receives permission to take the Bill and returns home to his assumed African-American lover. He gives her the Bill as a present and asks her to read the Bill to him as they are lying down in bed. It is then when Stevens says a famous quote that comes to define politics as a whole, "The greatest measure of the nineteenth century. Passed by corruption, aided and abetted by the purest man in America." This quote of Stevens is also historically accurate as it appears as the exact same quote in Abraham Lincoln: Redeemer President . The expression on my face after watching this scene was one of complete disbelief. While there is no concrete evidence that the affair was true, it is a widely circulated rumor that is thought of as fact among historians. “And his “housekeeper” indeed doubled as his common law wife—perhaps the worst kept secret in Washington. ” Again, despite my disbelief, Lincoln proves to be historically accurate on one of the most controversial scenes in the

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