Limiting Wilderness

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Due to the exponential increase in human populations over the past century, many untouched wilderness have become in danger of being wiped out. It is very important that these areas are protected so as to maintain the delicate balance between nature and mankind. The above policy seems to very cogent, but it cannot work in all situations and for all nations; I therefore find this policy to be lacking in numerous areas. The policy may be felicitous to nations that are already well developed economically, but for less developed nations it may not be as germane. The policy also neglects to differentiate between different kinds of wildernesses and just speaks of wildernesses as one big subject. The policy if implemented in a nation that is well developed economically will as said earlier help to maintain the delicate balance between man and nature. However in a nation who’s economy is vestigial, some sacrifices may need to be made to stimulate economic development. It would be inexpedient for such a nation to pass up on an opportunity to make economic gains. China in the past three decades has been hailed for its continued economic progress, but China during …show more content…

The policy calls for preservation of wildernesses, this would make sense in the case of a forest, but not so much for a desert. Why would u want to preserve a desert? Many deserts are prime areas for the development of renewable energy, especially solar energy, as deserts receive huge amounts of sunlight. Many large solar power plants are currently in operation in deserts in the United States and Spain. These power plants have the effect of reducing the dependence on fossil fuels which produce greenhouse gases that may harm the environment. The policy does not take all these things into consideration and therefore great opportunities to preserve many environments may be pasted

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