Life In Pakastan

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The Huffington Post featured a timeworn article from the Daily Mirror asking its readers, "If a woman needs it, should she be spanked?" One of the respondents Teddy Gallel said, "It teaches them whose boss, and that a lot of women tend to forget this is a man's world and a lot of men who stepped down as boss of a family wished they hadn't." From one period to another until recently this was the common belief among men and some woman alike. Men were superior to women and they should be subservient to their husbands. Women in the past had very little rights. There was a time in America when women were not allowed to vote, own property and it was legal for men to use physical violence against women. Those times are now a thing of the past for most women in America. However, for some women in Pakistan these dated ideologies are a way of life and tend to be extreme.
Women in Pakistan are mistreated and abused on a daily basis. The punishments many women who live in this female oppressed country undergo are cruel and unusual in nature. Punishments such as acid attacks, being whipped, being burned, raped, or killed. Although many believe this would apply to all women it mainly just applies to the middle and lower class. The higher class also known as the “elite” class has an advantage being much more educated, and wealthier. The “elite” class owns property and does not hesitate to seek a divorce and to remarry. Due to the fact they are so high up in the economy, they are fully reinforced and protected by the power of their family and community. Not all Pakistani woman can experience the “elite” lifestyle. For the woman who don’t experience this lifestyle, they often live in fear. For example, a woman could not leave her house without th...

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...treated. They were both not valued in the eyes of their culture and not treated with respect or fairness. Both cultures of woman were also beaten at times, and although not counting their extremes, they felt the men to be more powerful. They were also different in many ways as well. They were different because the Pakistani women were treated terribly, often burned and raped. While the American women were just beaten with a stick or with a man’s hand and left at that. Women in the Pakistani culture were also not allowed to leave the house without a man, and woman in the American culture were. Although these two cultures are very different, they are much the same in heart and soul.

Works Cited

Bindley, Katherine. "Women Deserve Spankings According To Old 'Daily
Mirror' News Clipping." The Huffington Post., 10 July 2012. Web. 30 Apr. 2014.

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