Life As A Bee Essay

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Gemma Osbon LIFE AS A BEE Not one bee can live alone. All bees are special in different ways and they all work together using their ways.

Bees have very unique bodies. Each bee has five eyes, two in the front and three in the back. They have one antenna on each side of their heads. They have one mouth. Bees have four wings, two one each side. They have six legs and three of them on each side.

There are three different types of bees. The first type of bee is the queen bee. The queen bee lays all the eggs. She also flys up into the trees and checks for any intruders. There are usually around 1,000 workers in each hive. The worker clean the nectar of the hive. They also care for all the eggs. The last type of bee is the drones. They have bigger eyes than most bees. The drones have bigger eyes to check on the queen bee …show more content…

They use wax to make the honeycombs. Most likely they will live by flowers so they can get more pollen and nectar. When the food is ready, they will make a figure eight with their body to tell others they have food. There is a very rare jelly called royal jelly. Riyal jelly is produced when the queen bee goes on a diet.

Bees have many enemies that you might not even think about. Parasites bring diseases into their hives and mostly affect the eggs. As most of us know bees and bears do not get along well. When Winnie the Pooh got stuck in a tree from the honey he tried to get Christopher Robin said “Pooh Bear, there's only one thing we can do, wait for you to get thin again”. Next time Pooh Bear went back he had to “Think, Think, Think” ~ Winnie the Pooh. There most dangerous predator is us. Man usually decreases 30% of the bees population every year. Even though it seems like beekeepers help bees they usually don’t. only ¾ of the bees they keep survive. Also, with all the construction we have and cutting down trees there hives

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