Lies And Deceit Quotes

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Lies and deceit are a truly major theme throughout Matched. When you suddenly understand, society, relationships, convictions, and qualities are ingrained in lies, you're most likely going to start questioning everything you’ve ever known. Where do you even go from that point? For Cassia, the main place to go is to begin taking in reality—and the best way to do that is to begin keeping privileged insights, telling lies, and for the most part misdirecting Society's Officials. Throughout the novel Cassia is forced to deceive her match Xander because of a mechanical error made by the government. Cassia deceives many people including the government throughout the novel and this is shown through my three points of evidence.

“For a moment, I think I should tell Xander everything. I should tell him about Ky's face on the screen. I should tell him about Ky in the woods, how he saw the poem. Instead, I shake my head. I don't want to talk about it right now.” This is the first time Cassia purposely conceals the truth from Xander. While she grapples with the choice, it foreshadows how regular concealing the truth from Xander and many others will become. The reason that this quote reflects lies and deceit is because of the repetition. Constantly repeating a point convinces the reader about your argument. In this case cassia is lying to xander- similar to the officials …show more content…

It wasn't a mistake, I think. And then I realize: She doesn't know. He hasn't told her. My father has a secret from my mother.” To Cassia, her parents match is impeccable and gives a strong establishment of her faith in the standards and request of society. Understanding that falsehoods exist between her parents ruins her established faith in the society. Therefore Cassia’s parents relationship clearly shows how lies and deceit are shown through this dystopian text. The society tries too hard to make the relationships “perfectly,” matched when in reality even husband and wife could lie to each

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