Lewis And Clark Expedition

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Have you ever wondered what an expedition would look like? How it would feel to actually do one in the early 1800’s? Lewis and Clark lived through many attempted ones and actually did one themselves and their story has been told for hundreds of years. Lewis and Clark were very well known expeditioners. Their real names are actually Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. Thomas Jefferson was interested in the Western land, between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountain. The Louisiana Purchase happened which gave Jefferson an opportunity and a reason to fulfil his dreams onto Westward land. Lewis began to prepare for this expedition. He was interested in the length of rivers and location, geographical features, economic and agricultural development and much more. It took Jefferson, Lewis, and Clark many hard years of preparation to get everything ready for the trip. They knew that it wasn’t going to be a safe nor easy trip, but the intriguing sound of the trip and what the Westward land could hold was unbearable. After years of planning, stressing, and getting ready for the expediton, Lewis set out on August 31, 1803 in his keelboat, flat-bottomed, large dugout “canoe”.
On October 15, 1803, Lewis swung by and picked Clark up near Louisville. Afterwards,they along with many hired hands, began their “Corps of Discovery” journey. The Corps of Discovery mission was to find an all water route to the Pacific so they could meet, observe Indian groups, and map out the new territory. After getting acquainted with their surroundings, they built Camp Wood. Camp Wood was a winter camp for the Corps of Discovery, on the Wood river in Illinois. The conditions of this mission were not in their favor. Crossing the Pacific ocean had never bee...

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...ings were done, on April 11 as the Corps were waiting for the snow to reduce, Lewis’s dog, Seaman, was taken by Indians but later returned. Lewis had gotten worried that other thing and acts may follow so he said and warned the chief that any other violations or impulsive acts will be resulted in a instant death. The Lewis and Clark expedition was long, treaturous, and dangerous but it was all worth it for everything they gained from it.
The expedition was something that made a very historic memory. It was the first successful trip to the Pacific and back. It may have been a very difficult thing to do but the crazy expeditioners of Meriwether Lewis and William Clark did it and made history. The expedition of Lewis and Clark is part of history and can never or will never be changed. What they did for those couple years is trully remarkable and definitely unforgetta

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