Letter to Macbeth

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Letter to Macbeth My beloved Macbeth, I can barely write as unrighteous tears cloud my eyes and blur my vision. Oh, my love, how I have battled with my conscience and how my words 'our deeds must not be thought of ' come back to haunt me. Screams in my head paralyse my sleep and torture my wake. I can no longer live for fear of the truth being shared. Ever since I received that fateful letter I began plotting how we could speed our path to power .I should have let fate take its course instead of trying to take fate into my own hands. If I had done that then maybe the smell of Duncan's blood would disappear and perhaps I would not be writing this, my final letter. I remember the time when we were a young happy couple, so much in love, so much to live for. How long ago this all seems now. I wish we could return to that happiness, but it is all too late. I have ruined everything you worked so hard for. You were a role model to everyone who knew you. Well respected, brave and loyal, you served your country and gained the trust of our king. He rewarded you well and would have rewarded you further, but now I ve

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