Leonard Cohen Research Paper

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Who was Leonard Cohen? He was a poet turned singer from the 1960s. At the start of his career, he only wrote poems, but as time went on, he started creating music to put his words to. In the beginning, Cohen’s music was more folk and country based but it transitioned to a more folk rock, spoken, and pop genre during the later years of his career. Throughout Leonard Cohen’s career, he has infamously been called a ladies’ man and he perpetuates this image through his live performances, however, this is only one of the many personas that Cohen portrays. Although the ladies’ man is Cohen’s most infamous persona, Cohen frequently puts on different masks in each of his songs, like the prophet, or the visionary. This method of using different personas …show more content…

Furthermore, these different personas also create this mystery surrounding Leonard Cohen because his true self is never truly revealed through his songs, which draws people to his music because Cohen remains a mystery. Public figures in the media are often criticized for their professions and it was no different for Leonard Cohen who had critics talk down about his music. To address the criticism given to him, Cohen wrote the country ballad, “A Singer Must Die”, in his fourth studio album, New Skin For The Old Ceremony. This was a song written for the critics to tell them that he didn’t care what they said about him and that he was going to continue doing what he wants. “A Singer Must Die” uses metalanguage to address critics’ critique of Cohen’s personas. Furthermore, it was also a song that helped to address how celebrities would hide their true selves from the media, which is something that Cohen had done by portraying different personas in his songs. Moreover, “A Singer Must Die” also addresses Cohen’s personas and how he would continue using these constructed personas to write his songs. In …show more content…

Therefore, Cohen is never truly himself in his songs, which attracts people to his music because they want to figure out who he is. When there is a mystery surrounding someone, particularly a celebrity, people become drawn to this mystery because they want to solve it. However, this mystery is never solved, because most of Cohen’s songs take on different personas and masks. Even as Cohen sings about himself as a singer in “A Singer Must Die”, the singer he portrays isn’t Cohen exactly, but rather it is a version of himself that he has crafted to make fun of how he was being portrayed in the media. Through Cohen’s other personas, like the ladies’ man and the prophet, Cohen’s true self is also never revealed because he wrote his songs in the perspective of the persona he took on. To answer the question from the beginning, we don’t know who Leonard Cohen really was and this is why Cohen is such a talented and amazing songwriter because he was able to keep his true self a secret from the media for over 50 years. Cohen’s personas and the mystery surrounding him made him into someone that people wanted to know and understand, which is why he continued to write songs from the perspectives of different personas rather than base his songs off of his own personal

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