Lawful Drivers: The Consequences Of Drivers With Attitude

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Drivers with Attitude In today’s society, driving is one of the greatest privileges a person can have. This privilege has revolutionized the world with a faster form of transportation. Nevertheless, some people in the world are going to find a way to abuse this privilege. Some drivers transfer their personality into the way they drive. Most drivers can be categorized according to their driving personality: road-rage drivers, overly-cautious drivers, and lawful drivers. Road-rage drivers channel their anger and other negative emotions into the way they drive. Moreover, these drivers choose to let personal issues in their lives affect them on the road. Road-rage drivers are labeled as inconsiderate because they drive recklessly and endanger the well-being of others. Furthermore, they choose to not care about the consequences of their irresponsible driving methods. These consequences can be hazardous to the safety of others and to themselves. As a result, these uncontrolled drivers have caused the wrongful death of many …show more content…

These drivers are the type that everyone should strive to be. Similarly, lawful drivers value their safety, as well as, the safety of others. These motorists maintain the precise speed limits that the law requires. In fact, lawful drivers rarely receive any speeding tickets. These responsible car owners choose to obey all the laws of the road such as coming to a complete stop, using signals, and yielding at appropriate times. Furthermore, lawful drivers do not participate in acts like texting while driving or the forbidden drinking while driving. Additionally, they do not let their emotions influence the way they drive. For instance, if a truck cuts them off, a competent driver would not seek revenge or press hard on the brakes. A lawful driver would slow down and wait patiently until he reaches his destination. In short, lawful drivers obey the laws and do not let their emotions influence how they

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