Lather And Nothing Else Analysis

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“Lather And Nothing Else” by Hernando Téllez begins in a Latin American country at a small barber shop with the barber sharpening his straight razor when a man comes in. This man, Captain Torres, executed the rebels, which caused the barber to begin to shake. Once the barber finished sharpening his razor, he began to lather Captain Torres’s beard and shaving him. When he began shaving him, the barber began to internally debate whether or not to slit his throat with the razor. He thought about if his customers would trust him again, whether he would be able to live with himself, and whether or not it was worth the revenge he knew would come. The thoughts that made his choice were clear, “And so, which will it be? Murderer or hero? My fate hangs on the edge of this razor blade.”(259) In the end, he chose to keep his good reputation and not kill the executioner. When the man was leaving, he said “‘They told me that you would kill me. I came to find out if it was true. But it’s not easy to kill. I know what I’m talking about.’”(259) …show more content…

When the barber says that he got nervous around the man who came in, it made me curious about what the man did. ‘Why did this man have a gun?’ I was wondering while wrapping my head around the fear this man made the barber feel. That man ended up being Captain Torres, a man who executed rebels, and the barber was one of those rebels that he might have to execute. At the beginning, it seemed that the barber was just agreeing with whatever Captain Torres said, but suddenly he began asking questions of his own. His thoughts were all the same, yet so different as he tries to figure out what to do. One of his main arguments against himself is “I am a revolutionary but not a murderer.”(259) Part of his personality is found when he spares the man’s life, which has killed so many

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