Language Synthesis Essay

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In today's interconnected culture, the mastery of a language other than the typical English is required to effectively and openly communicate with the world as well as anything on a smaller scale. If you are monolingual you are at a disadvantage because of the reason that inability to relate information limits your options. Knowledge of other languages may be important but it also brings many benefits for those who are multilingual. As they process information more complexly because of different interpretations, they are shown to "'continuously display enhanced cognitive abilities relative to their... peers'" (source D). The brain is constantly tasked and activated which may, "'make the brain more flexible and incite... new patterns"(source D). Since the brain is constantly worked, it "enhances" as stated "brain fitness". The author even states as a testimony he felt "strangely energized" and "more …show more content…

Constant communication is permitted through language as it is a "crucial connection between culture" making it a "gateway' to... other societies".(source A). This is evident in important "two rationales: national security and global economy." Other countries appreciative the incentive of effort put in to learn their native language but it also leads to better understanding of other nations therefore "equipping... Americans to be better vehicles of national interest" (source A). For example, conflict in discussions with Arabs could have been better as we needed "more Arabic to do better in Fallujah" (source A). This in turn would have helped us "[be] more effective in the Iraq War."(source A). Not only this but corruption in Mexico if we had known Spanish would have been beneficial and "useful; to manage instability in [the country]."(source A). If America would want to prove a true global power limiting languages would just worsen the

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