Lady Or The Tiger

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In the story the lady or the tiger by frank r stockon .he tells a story about love and jealousy which will triumph in the story he tills about a barbaric and good king he judged all of his criminals in the kings arena witch they had a choice between life or death there were two doors one was a tiger and the other was a woman of the most beautiful in the land but the doors that had the lady and the one of the tiger were always differ they changed them sometimes not sometimes they would .there was a bot who fell in love with the princes the daughter of the king and she loved him do dearly and they kipped this love for a while but the king found out and put him in his arena to let it decide the boys fate either way the king thought would get …show more content…

when the narrator was telling the story he put a lot of description like he said “semi-barbaric king had a daughter as blooming as his most florid fancies and with a soul as fervent and imperia’s as his own” witch leads me the reader to believe that he loves his daughter very much when the narrator was describing the boy “this royal maiden was well satisfied with her lover for he was handsome and brave to a degree unsurpassed in all his kingdom .and she had loved him with an ardor that had enough barbarism in it to make it exceedingly warm and strong” which leads the reader to believe that she feels very strong toward this boy and he the same . When they start to describe the people saying it they say “of course everybody knew that the deed with which the accused was charged had been done .he had the princes and neither he nor she had a say so in it .not anyone else thought of denning the fact. When the narrator states that “possessed of more power, influence and force of character that anyone who had ever been interested in such a case, she had done she had possessed in herself the secret of the doors .she knew in which room of the two had whited that the tiger cage and which stood the lady . The author says “but gold and the power of a woman’s will had brought the secret to the princes” which leads me to believe that she did all she could to save him to know the secret so she put all her willpower

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