Lady Macbeth's Fear In Banquo

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Having murdered Duncan, Macbeth fears that Banquo will undermine his ill-gotten authority and destroy his lineage of sons in line to be king. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, who were both afraid, suspected that Banquo will undermine their authority; and thus their “fears in Banquo stick deep.” This demonstrates why Macbeth is as alarmed about Banquo as “Mark Antony was by Cæsar,” Macbeth compares himself to Mark Antony, and Banquo to Cæsar because Cæsar had beat Mark Antony in battle. Macbeth's words show that he is greatly dismayed and (according to the witches,) his “Barren scepter” will be “wrenched” from his “unlineal hand.” Macbeth believes that Banquo’s sons will be the heirs to the throne, and “wrench” the throne away from Macbeth’s descendents,

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