Lady Macbeth Research Paper

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Have you noticed that killing someone is very risky and it will infect your entire life? Lady Macbeth is a good example. She killed Duncan and let her husband become the new king. The wealth she has as a noble could let her lie at peace and wealthy life, but the strong desire in her mind has caused her action of murdering Duncan. She is a beautiful, brave, and intelligent women. She always wanted to be an man, she wants to have strength, and power that a woman will never have. All of these events started after when the three witches told Macbeth shall be kings. In the supernatural play of the book “Macbeth,” when the witches told Macbeth will be king in the future. After that Macbeth had an evil mind that he wants to become the king by murdering Duncan. He told his wife and only person about this, Macbeth treated his wife as his “Dearest Partner of greatness.” After Macbeth told lady Macbeth, lady Macbeth agreed and she said she will help Macbeth to kill Duncan. But after a while, Macbeth realized his king is a kind and grateful king. He has lost his reason of killing the king. But lady Macbeth didn’t give up, she thinks her husband is too kind heart and she should deal with all the dirty work. She killed Duncan using her own filthy hands. After the death of Duncan, Macbeth is now the new king. …show more content…

What exactly happened is after her husband Macbeth has given up the plan of killing Duncan, lady Macbeth still wants to kill Duncan because of her own desire. Somehow, her mentally can’t handle it anymore after murdering Duncan using her own hands. All kinds of mental problems started with occur on lady Macbeth. She started to sleeping walking, and started dreaming that Duncan is still alive somewhere and watching her. King Macbeth felt regret but he knows by heart there is no way they are going to turn back. From now on, King Macbeth has to be the new king and do the king’s

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