Lady Macbeth Quotes

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“They have tied me to a stake: I cannot fly, /But bear-like I must fight the course. What’s he /That was not born a woman? Such a one /Am I to fear, or none.” (Act V. Scene VI. Lines 1-4) With this excerpt from “The Tragedy of Macbeth,” Macbeth says he is invincible, and that no man can harm him. The reason Macbeth believes himself to be invincible since he was told a prophecy from three witches, saying to beware Macduff, Macbeth shall not be harmed by any man of woman born, and Macbeth shall not be vanquished until Birnam Wood marches on Dunsinane Hill. This is the second part of a prophecy told to Macbeth, by three Witches. When he learned of these prophecies Macbeth started going crazy, especially when more of the prophecies came true. Macbeth decides to have his friend Banquo killed, since he is growing suspicious of Macbeth and how he is now king. “Thou hast it now; King, Cawdor, Glamis, /As the weird women promised, and I fear /Thou play’dst most foully for’t;” (Act III. Scene I. Lines ) In this quote from Macbeth, it shows Banquo being suspicious of how Macbeth suddenly now king after the original king, King Duncan was murdered in Macbeths keep. Macbeth remembers the …show more content…

This makes Macbeth’s mind crumble before his subjects. Macbeth throws caution to the wind and orders for his armor to be fitted onto him, so that he can meet Malcom’s army head on thinking of himself to be invincible since the prophecy states that he cannot be killed by anyone of woman born. On the battlefield he meets Macduff and achieves complete madness when Macduff tells him he was ripped from his mother’s womb. While he is in denial about this it is speculated that Macduff kills Macbeth. Knowing this Macbeth’s blind trust in the prophecies led to his untimely demise at the end of the play at the hands of

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