Lady Macbeth Feminist Analysis

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In Macbeth, from the very beginning Shakespeare presents Lady Macbeth deliberately trying to suppress her feminine qualities in order to show her power. She was an evil, scheming person whose greed and selfishness was a part of the destruction of her character. Her wicked character has a big impact on her husband, convincing him to kill Duncan. Lady Macbeth is one of Shakespeare’s most popular and daunting female characters. As Macbeth’s wife, her role is very important in Macbeth’s rise and fall from royalty. In Shakespearean times, females were considered as feeble and unimportant beings whose only use was to give birth, and for their looks. They were not by any means equal to men, nor intelligent. Though in this play, Lady Macbeth is portrayed as the biggest impact in her husband’s life. In her role, she uses her status in Dunsinane to gain power, stay sane enough to support Macbeth, and fails while their relationship falls apart. Everything about Lady Macbeth makes her the perfect villain for the play, mostly because of her capability to manipulate anyone that is around her. Lady Macbeth plays a very superior role right from the beginning of the play. From his article, Lecture X, A.C. Bradley said this about her “Lady Macbeth is the most …show more content…

15-16). This scene is essential because it is the crossroads where Lady Macbeth realizes she may have to kill to get the power she desires. Macbeth is very unsure about killing King Duncan, but Lady Macbeth barrages him with words that inquiries his braveness. She also gives him an ultimatum, stating that his love to her is meaningless if he doesn’t oblige, using his love for her against him. The fact that she talks down to him so much, belittling his manhood and confidence is very manipulative, but it worked in her favor. She goes on to say to him “Screw your courage to the sticking place” (Act I Scene vii v 62). She was sure that her taunting could give her control over

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