Lady Macbeth Essay

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Throughout the play and also in act II, Lady Macbeth is seen to be a manipulative and controlling character who has an immense amount of influence over her husband, Macbeth. Specifically, in act II, her role consists of comforting her husband after the murder of King Duncan and making sure that the plan from there goes accordingly. For example, once Duncan’s murder was completed, Macbeth was feeling highly guilty and acting in a nervous manner. Therefore, while Lady Macbeth was instructing Macbeth on what to do, she stated how “these deeds must not be thought / After these ways. So, it will make us mad” and how “a little water clears us of this deed” (II.ii. 32-33, 65). These attempts made by Lady Macbeth at calming Macbeth in his chaotic state …show more content…

Women during this time were suppose to be subordinate to men and were only given tasks of cooking, cleaning, and hosting guests when they arrived. They were also seen to be kind, gentle, and too weak to deal with items such as blood and murder. This view of an 11th century Scottish woman can be seen when Macduff states, “O gentle lady, ‘tis not for you to hear what I can speak: / The repetition, in a woman’s ear, / Would murder as it fell” (II. iii. 79-81). Macduff was under the impression that Lady Macbeth’s gentle nature would be terribly affected to hear the rough news of King Duncan’s death, and he immediately did not even consider her to be involved in such a crime. However, she proved this stereotype wrong with her actions and words, because during act II, scene ii, she was controlling much of her husband’s actions. Lady Macbeth was the one calling Macbeth a “Coward!” and vocalizing how she would “gild the faces of the grooms” with blood (II. ii. 51, 54). These putrid statements made by Lady Macbeth along with her guilt-free conscious of her heinous actions showcases that she is not the normal 11th century Scottish woman who is appalled by a word such as murder. Overall, she is purely sadistic and

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