Ladies First Latifah Meaning

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“Ladies First” is a feminist hip hop song by Queen Latifah. In the beginning, it says, “Let me state the position, ladies first, yes? Yes,” it seems like Latifah is trying to put women above men. She also says that “Believe me when I say being a woman is great,” this line proves that Latifah is a feminist, and this song is a feminist song. Latifah is demanding equal rights for women. She reminds the listener that women have a power too. Latifah showed the strength of African-American women in history. She intends to further the Civil Rights movement. Her message is that we have come a long way, yet we have a long way to go in terms of discrimination and sexism. In addition, she argues against negative stereotypes. Latifah showed us African- …show more content…

She repeats "Ladies First" many times to reassure women's position, and admonishes Men to conduct themselves as gentlemen. Men should treat women with honor and dignity. Of course, she did not say this directly. She put in numbers of active verbs as well, showing the capacity of women. Latifah applies rhyme scheme in her song. For example, "Some think that we can't flow stereotypes, they got to go." Each of the literary devices that Latifah uses contributes to the depth of her song “Ladies First.” On the other hand, "Changes" by Tupac is a song about making social changes. "Changes" is one of his most famous songs. Tupac always stands out as a rapper because of his poetic writing style. The first few lines, "I'm tired of bein' poor and even worse I'm black. My stomach hurts, so I'm lookin' for a purse to snatch," showed the listener how many blacks live in poverty and have no choice but committing crimes. Tupac keeps saying hat he sees no changes throughout the song. He wants to see some changes to benefit his people. In this song, he uses epanaphora, the repetition of a phrase. For

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