Lack Of Knowledge In The Eclipse By Augusto Monterroso

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“The Eclipse” by Augusto Monterroso is a short story about Brother Bartolome Arrazola and his quest to fool the Indians in the jungle of Guatemala that were willing to sacrifice and kill him. Arrazola and his knowledge of Aristotle, a European Greek philosopher, thought he could fool then Indians to think that if they killed him, he can make the sun darken. Though, the Indians already knew that the sun would disappear. “The Eclipse” by Augusto Monterroso illustrates the idea that knowledge is the same across all civilizations no matter the cultural differences. Yellow highlighted area is not a complete sentence. Arrazola was faced with death and he wanted to challenge the Indians to not kill him. He wanted to try “something”. According to the text, “there he blossomed with an idea that he considered worthy of his talent, his broad education and his profound knowledge.” The words from the text “profound knowledge” have indicated that Arrazola felt that his knowledge surpassed the Indian’s knowledge. Arrazola has felt that his European knowledge is superior and is not the same as the Indians. This paragraph needs to be more developed; the first sentence, which should be written so that it clearly supports the thesis, but how does that sentence show that “knowledge is the same ….”? …show more content…

Also, he would be able to save his soul, and die with his knowledge and education. Because Arrazola believed his knowledge was superior to the Indians, he wanted to use it to deceive them. He had the idea that the Indians were not as smart or knowledgeable to avoid being fooled by

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