Knowledge Age Materialism In America

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A young 12 year old african male lives in South Jamaica, New York City, New York with his hard-working single mother. He lives in a “not so good” neighborhood, where there is violence that happens everyday around him. He goes to school everyday, but is tempted by his peers to skip class, do drugs, and join the neighborhood gang. He declines their offers and continues to study hard everyday, so he can make something of himself. By the time he graduates, he is accepted to NYU to study business. He is now CEO of a big corporation and makes more money than he can even handle. This is what so many lower-class and middle-class Americans dream of happening to them. They are considered the “underdogs” and dream to one day work hard in order to succeed …show more content…

It has changed from an industrial materialism to a knowledge age materialism. Industrial materialism is when America was industrialized and were producing products to sell to their citizens and other countries. Today, it is Knowledge age materialism, which means that American citizens are now producing ideas. This creates problems for a materialistic society because we have to import so much more than we actually manufacture. This causes a disparity, which means a lot people in the country don’t have requisite income or a normal income level to give them access to professions (through education). Then they’ll fall through the cracks and will more likely lean towards crime because material goods cost money. Since they don’t have education (which includes professional and business connections made in school) to make money to have access of goods, so therefore, they will commit more …show more content…

Materialism is a phrase used to describe as a way of thinking that gives too much power and importance to money, material possessions, and physical comfort as more important that spiritual values. Many people value this more than anything in the world and it does not matter to them who they hurt to achieve it or the type of means that they go through in order to achieve materialistic success. This may be a new openly viewed value of the American Dream, but it has always secretly been there and has slowly progressed over time. When the colonists arrived to America, they wanted a land of their own and for them to be free and they fought hard for it in the American Revolution. However, as time continued, it was never enough. A man named Alexis de Tocqueville, studied American society and he compiled his information to write a novel called, Democracy in America. In this novel, he explained that Americans were not happy with their lives there. He writes, In America I saw the freest and most enlightened men placed in the happiest

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