Knighthood And Chivalry In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight

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During the medieval time period, knighthood and chivalry were key concepts in literature. People considered knights the epitome of mankind, and everyone attempted to model his behavior after the knight code of chivalry. This led to the concepts of chivalry, such as honor, bravery, and acceptance of fate, becoming driving forces in many literary works. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight uses these chivalrous concepts to illustrate the main message of the poem. In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the writer uses the green knight’s challenge, the green knight’s first attempt to ax Sir Gawain, and the green girdle to demonstrate that when times are tough, even the best people fail to do the right thing, but admitting these mistakes gives one integrity.
When the green knight challenges King Arthur’s court, none of the knights accept, and only after King Arthur risks …show more content…

When King Arthur’s court receives the green knight’s challenge, none of the knights step forward immediately to defend their honor, but eventually, Sir Gawain realizes his mistake and takes the green knight’s challenge. While the green knight readies his ax to fulfill his side of the challenge, Sir Gawain flinches, faltering in his bravery; however, he understands his wrongdoing and fixes it. The green knight finally strikes Sir Gawain’s neck, yet only a scratch appears on his neck because Sir Gawain attempts to avoid fate instead of accepting it by wearing a green girdle, but he repents his mistake and saves his honor and purity. Even today, people constantly face tough situations and typically make the wrong decision, but by acknowledging the mistake, they can more easily remedy the error and retain their

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