Kino Slides: A Short Story

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Kino hunches over the ledge of the cave, looking down upon the trackers, the sound of evil ringing deeply in his ear. The light of their fire was illuminating their face, casting shadows across the stone wall above. Kino slowly crawled over the bumpy rock. He latched his arm around the vine that was crawling its was up the mountain. Slowly he lowered himself down from the ledge and pushed his bare chest again the cold face of the rock. Kino stared down at his hanging feet, weighed down by the possible concerning outcomes. He shakes his head before he can get to in depth in the gruesome possibilities. Kino Slides down on the vines, making sure not to make a single sound, for if he did he would surely get caught and endanger the life of both …show more content…

Kino looked over to see the now blank, empty face of the tracker fall into the pool of water, turning it crimson , like the falling maple leaves, that carpeted the ground. Kino could now hear the cry of evil. It was screaming in his ear. Letting him know that no good was near. As the sound of evil was shrieking in his ear, he felt a piercing pain in his stomach. His eyes flashed down to the spot in which the pain oozed from. A knife tip was pointing out, letting a pool of blood escape the inclosure of his skin. He could feel all the issues that were prying at his brain, float away. The only thing that was left was, nothing. It was blank. White. Kino couldn’t remember the first time he met Juana. The first time he laid eyes on Coyotito. All his memories were swirling away in a big cloud of smoke. Kino could feel himself falling, but he couldn’t do anything. His arms and legs were like lead weights. Moving them was impossible. He hit the ground hard. Only his head hit the surface of the pond. A cool sensation flooded over his body and then everything was gone. Jauna The sound of fighting had stopped. It had been 6 hours since Kino had left the cave, and the sun was now rising. Coyotito was making tiny whimpering sounds as he slept soundly in the warm embrace of Juana's

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