King's Four Steps For Nonviolent Protest In The US

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The controversy over transgender people have become less and less of a problem in the last couple years. Being transgender has become more popular and normal. People can expect it now and with each generation, they become more tolerant and open to such a thing. Now that it has been accepted, transgender people face day to day challenges with the people and generations who are not so welcoming to the idea. Although many states have laws banning discrimination against transgender workers, there are still states that don’t. Using Dr. Kings four steps for nonviolent protest is that necessary push to get the last states to make a law prohibiting discrimination against transgender persons.

Using Dr. King’s four steps for nonviolent protest is necessary because the first step is legit.The first step in his process is the collection of facts to determine whether injustice is alive. If protesters have actual, legit evidence to show that injustice against transgender workers is going on, then there is no way they can be denied by their governors or state legislators. The governors and state legislators may ignore the evidence but people on the internet go up in arms on just about anything so putting the evidence on the internet may be beneficial as well. It would be the company’s reputation on the line then and most companies will do anything to keep that slate clean. …show more content…

King’s four steps for nonviolent protest is necessary is because it is peaceful. Protesting for rights for transgender people is a peaceful process because all they want it is equal opportunity. All they want is equal treatment for jobs and any other aspect in their lives. They have done nothing violent to hurt anyone. So people protesting for the rights and equal treatment for transgender people have nonviolent protests. There is no reason to get violent over a matter like

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