King Richard III

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Richard III is full of murder, manipulation, and betrayal. Aristotle’s definition of a tragedy is a work that is serious and evokes an emotional response from audience of fear and pity. I believe that Richard III is a perfect example of a tragedy. To begin, this play is serious. By that I mean that it is realistic as opposed to As You Like It, where all the characters happened to fall in love quickly and all survived happily in a forest. This play takes place in court and the characters have serious attitudes and understand the consequences to their actions. The audience experiences fear throughout the play because of the murderous agenda of Richard. We are constantly fearing for the characters and worried if they are the next to be killed. While he does meet three out the four requirements, I still say no. First, Richard does indeed hold a position of power as Aristotle says. Second, Richard does have a “hamartia” or tragic flaw. Richard is deformed. Would you guys agree that Richard’s deception is also a flaw? I would. Almost every time he speaks he is lying and deceiving. Thirdly, Richard loses his throne and his life. It is worth mentioning this downfall can also include losing one’s good reputation. While Richard did not have a good reputation due to his deeds, Buckingham respected Richard up until he did not give Buckingham what he was owed. So in a small way he did lose respect and his reputation. Lastly, a tragic hero’s fall occurs when they have realized the error in their ways. Richard does not realize this because he only cares about himself. There is perhaps one small part where he kind of understands what he has done: “All several sins, all used in each degree, / Throng to the bar, crying all, “Guilty! guilty!” / I shall despair. There is no creature loves me, / And if I die no soul will pity me” (5.3.210-213). This sounds promising however he goes on to dismiss it. Richard is completely different from Oedipus. Oedipus was not aware about what he had done, Richard on the other hand knew exactly what he was doing. Do you guys pity Richard? He is such a villainous character, and yet this was the best play so far. Why is that

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