King Lear Edmund Quotes

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The Characterization of Edmund Imagine yourself as an outcast but accepted by name. This life would be confusing, agitating; well to be exact, a problem. All it takes for any considerably good person to become a monster, is just one bad day. Your thoughts would be rash in a sense only for to you determine what “just” is and good would be only things that benefit you. So what makes you wrong, morals? The ones who see different around you? To be frank, you’re evil now. Get used to it because for the most part without death or a life altering change, this is your life. Exciting right? Edmund of the Shakespearean play The Tragedy of King Lear is the exact outcome of what I have proposed to you, the basic bastard child. He is downright wicked. …show more content…

It’s one thing to accuse your brother of wanting to kill his father but now you’re just saying he is downright crazy. As an assumption by the way Gloucester treats and talks to Edgar it’s safe to say that he has, is, and always will be true and loyal to his father. That being said it really is amazing how Gloucester just eats these lies up and believes it without doubt. “Look sir, I bleed,” (Act 2, Scene 1, Line 972). Here Edmund after telling Edgar to run away because his father comes soon, he cuts himself to appear as if Edgar attacked him. Edmund is what you could say to be quick on his feet. No matter the situation he always has a plan or some idea of what he wants and needs to do to get where he is going. Winging it usually is a great downfall but he always manages to pull it off. As intended in the story Edmund is a static character and represents wit, deception, and the wicked. Yet with all these amazing traits comes the consequences of using the for evil and not good. Sadly and ironically him trying to kill Edgar eventually leads to Edgar killing him out of the rage he feels after their father dies. What goes around always comes around good or bad and Edmund just got the bad side

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